

In order to prepare young people for a successful future, education must be a priority from cradle to career and beyond.  As State Representative of District 34, I will work to address the needs and challenges facing K-12 students, educators, and schools in order to impact the workforce of tomorrow.

As your District 34 State Representative, I will:

  • Actively pursue resources to provide universal pre-kindergarten for all students
  • Support higher education, along with career and technical certifications
  • Recognize the unique learning styles of individual students and provide the professional and educational set-up to match those learning styles
  • Seek tax dollars to provide professional development opportunities for educators to reach the unique needs of every learner
  • Reach out to educators, listen, and respond to needs in order to do what is best for all students
  • Value educator involvement in the decision-making process
  • Allocate sufficient tax dollars for K-12 education
  • Engage with local school districts to determine cost effective savings and strategic planning

Education is the most powerful tool that an individual can possess. As your state representative, I promise that I will use my experiences and voice to advocate for our students, parents, families, and teachers.
